
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday Learning

Today Sebastian was learning how to pronounce words slowly to figure out what letters were missing. Sebastian also learnt how to write a few letters and numbers e.g number 4 and 5 correctly. He also practised his finger spacing and height of letters.

Gibson army 2.0

I set the army men up one by one and I did a few wars with them before Mummy took the photo of my for my blog. I had army men, tanks, houses and an AT-AT and dragon for decoration.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Writing and Maths Work

Sebastian has been practising his 2 times tables and writing his letters.

Colorful spaghetti meatballs by Sebastian

First cook the spaghetti noodles and meatballs.
Put 15 drops of dye and a little bit of water into different bowls, one colour for each bowl.
Then drain the spaghetti and put some into your bowls of dye.
Mix the spaghetti and dye together and let it soak for a minute.
Rinse the spaghetti to get extra dye off.
Put it back in the pot to heat back up.

Put it on the plate with meatballs (we used maggi meatball mix to make them) and put cheese on top.

Enjoy your dinner.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Maths Challenge #3

Sebastian solved the Maths Challenge!